Often overlooked, training and coaching present one of the greatest opportunities for performance improvement. As a result, a growing number of managers and allocators have begun looking at coaching as ways they can develop personnel to improve profitability, reduce risk, and increase returns.

Our customized training and coaching services help you reduce regulatory compliance risks, improve ODD performance, elevate your internal capabilities, and align your team to critical business and regulatory objectives.

rethinking training & coaching

Most training initiatives fail to realize the uniqueness of individual managers. “One size fits most” programs are little more than either a recitation of the law or a generic process typically offered as a commodity to large numbers of clients.

altPILOT aims to rethink traditional training by providing customized, collaborative training and coaching services with measurable results. Our programs are designed to not only “check the box”, but seek to also deliver measurable reductions in regulatory risks, improve ODD performance, and elevate your internal compliance and diligence capabilities.

how we help

  • regulatory compliance education and coaching. custom and programatic education seminars, chief compliance officer (CCO) coaching - designed to reduce risks, align your team and develop your internal resources

  • ESG-focused training. custom education and coaching to reinforce your organizational priorities, instruct regarding the implementation of ESG policies and procedures, and educate regarding emerging regulatory and investor due diligence - designed to reduce regulatory risks and improve performance in investor due diligence

  • cyber-security training.

training & coaching


wealth managers


EXAMS and enforcement