Cyber and Information Security Policies.

altPILOT develops tailored cyber security and information security policies and procedures, consistent with a NIST framework as applicable and appropriate for our clients.  The NIST Cybersecurity Framework is based upon five functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover. Depending upon organizational capabilities and identified risks, policies developed by altPILOT may include:

Physical devices, software platforms and applications

Access Control Policy

Account Management/Access Control Policy

Identification and Authentication Policy

Security Assessment and Authorization Policy


Information Classification Policy

Cybersecurity roles and responsibilities

Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resource Policy

Cyber Risk management processes

Risk Assessment Policy

Third-party risk management

Systems and Services Acquisition Policy


Identities and credentials

Authentication Token Policy

Configuration Management Policy

Identification and Authentication Policy

Sanitization Secure Disposal Policy

Remote access

Remote Access Policy

Network integrity

Wireless Network Security Policy

Mobile Device Security Policy

System and Information Integrity Policy

Awareness and Training

Personnel Security Policy

Physical and Environmental Protection Policy

Security Awareness and Training Policy

Data Security

Encryption Policy

Information Security Policy

Maintenance Policy

Media Protection Policy

Patch Management Policy


Maintenance Policy

Communications and control networks

System and Communications Protection Policy


Anomalies, events and network monitoring

System and Information Integrity Policy

Vulnerability Scanning


Response plans

Computer Security Threat Response Policy

Cyber Incident Response Policy


Recovery Planning

Contingency Planning Policy

Vulnerability Testing and Assessment.

altPILOT will conduct [2] point-in-time vulnerability tests and assessments on Customer’s environment.  Vulnerability testing will cover information technology (IT) assets including network devices, mobile devices and operating systems.  Written assessments will identify specific vulnerability types, malware and ransomware, vulnerabilities by host, and recommendations for remediation.


Penetration Testing.

altPILOT will conduct [1] point-in-time penetration tests of the Customer’s external network, focused on discovering and exploiting external assets and services to simulate what an attacker would do to compromise Customer’s systems or gain access to Customer’s internal resources.  altPILOT will schedule its penetration testing to minimize disruption to the Customer’s infrastructure and will typically be scheduled during non-business hours of the Customer.  Identified penetration results will be provided to Customer in a written report.


III.            Phishing and Social Engineering Testing[2]. altPILOT will conduct [4] simulated phishing engagements to evaluate employee identification of attempted phishing and increase Customer’s awareness of such activities.  The characteristics of phishing engagements will be determined based upon criteria determined by altPILOT and may include targeted phishing or firmwide simulations.  Each phishing engagement will include a non-malicious attempt to collect information and will provide feedback and awareness to employees who correctly or incorrectly identify this attempt.  Following each campaign, altPILOT will provide analysis of the campaign and recommendations on improvements over time.


IV.           Cyber and Information Security Training. altPILOT will provide [1] cybersecurity awareness training session to influence behavior, focusing on employee actions that can mitigate threats and vulnerabilities of Customer’s information systems.  altPILOT’s training will provide an overview of cybersecurity threats and best practice to keep information and information systems secure.  The training will also reinforce best practices to protect non-public personal financial information and personally identifiable information (PII) of the Customer’s clients. 




altPILOT independent CCO