outsourced compliance solutions

With the increasing burden and complexity of regulation, the CCO serves both a required and essential function in investment advisory firms. However, because of the cost and scarcity of professionals who possess the expertise necessary to fill this critical role, managers have increasingly looked to outsourcing as a potential solution.

The problem with traditional outsourced CCOs is that most employ template “one size fits all” processes and generally fail to integrate with business management. Too often, this reseults in an ineffective compliance program which dramatically increases regulatory risk and scrutiny.

outsourcing reimagined

We have reimagined the outsourced CCO to not only address the inherent weakness of traditional outsourced services, but to also take advantage of our independence, expertise and effectiveness to deliver value-add services.

Unlike in-house employee CCOs, we deliver decades of experience and compliance expertise, and are independent of the inherent conflicts of interest in an employer-employee relationship.

altPILOT Independent CCO Solutions are offered selectively to well-qualified advisers with a demonstrated “tone at the top”


EXAMS and enforcement

